ford vcm ii v108
Newest V108 Ford VCM II diagnostic tool is the new Ford OEM diagnostic tool. It provides dealer-level diagnostics using the IDS software. Upgrade by CD and Multi-languages supported.
Best Quality V108 Ford VCM II Multi-Languages Diagnostic Tool For 16 Pin Fords is a one of our ford vcm ii v108 Tools, you can buy Best Quality V108 Ford VCM II Multi-Languages Diagnostic Tool For 16 Pin Fords from
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images of Best Quality V108 Ford VCM II Multi-Languages Diagnostic Tool For 16 Pin Fords

Best Quality Ford VCM II Multi-Languages Diagnostic Tool For 16 Pin Fords
Top 5 Reasons To Get Ford VCM II:
1. IDS Software Version: V108
2. Multi-language: English, Italian, Spanish, Spanish(Mexico), French, French(Canada), German, Dutch, Finish, Danish, Greek, Slovenian, Amer English, Vietnamese language, Turkish, Thai, Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Polish, Norwegian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Czechic, Chinese(Taiwan), Chinese(China)
3. Update: return the main unit back for update
4. Coverage: VCM II provides full dealer diagnostic capabilities for most 16 pin Fords, including all new 2016 Ford vehicles
Ford VCMII Connection Picture Display

1. The VCM II is the new Ford OEM diagnostic tool. It provides dealer-level diagnostics using the IDS software.
2. The VCM II is the brand new diagnostics interface from Ford for use with the Integrated Diagnostics Software (IDS).
3. The VCM II and IDS provides full dealer diagnostic capabilities for most 16 pin Fords.
4. The VCM II will be required for a few new 2013 Ford vehicles and is backwards compatible with most 16 pin Fords.It supports the Vehicle Measurement Module (VMM) and new Customer Flight Recorder (CFR).
5. The VCM II has shock resistant rubber ends, making it suitable for garage and workshop environments.
6. The CFR replaces the Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR).
7. The CFR is an optional cable that allows the VCM II to monitor and record live data streams. This provides an advantage for technicians when diagnosing.
Programming & Installation of new ECUs (PCM, ABS, Instrument Cluster, Air Bag, Fuel Pumps, etc.)